
Hon. Dr. Jaitley has been a member of the Presidential Leadership Circle since 1995. Hon. Dr.Jaitley was thanked by the then President of the United States Bill Clinton, General Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Christopher Dodd, and National Chair of the Democratic National Party Donald L Fowler for his commitment to the Democratic Party.

Dr.Jaitley received a certificate of honor in recognition of his leadership and support of the Democratic National Committee. At this time, he was also recognized for helping to advance President Clinton’s agenda for change.

Hon. Dr. Jaitley has been honored by Hon. president Clinton and Hon. Vice President mr. Al Gore for his outstanding commitment and dedicated leadership. he has been continuously awarded and recognized in the White House in Washington D.C. every year until the year 2000 for his continuous and determined perseverance in leadership towards the prosperity of both United States of America and India.

Hon. Dr. Jaitley was presented with a plaque on May 15th 1998 by Hon. Frank Pallone and Minority Leader Congressman Richard A. Gephardt for his outweighing dedication and exceptional devotion to the Democratic Party’s ideals.

Hon. Dr. Jaitley was once again honored by Hon. Vice President Al Gore and Hon. Frank Pallone in recognition of his outstanding support of the Democratic Party on the 15th of June 1998 with a crystal trophy.

Hon. Dr. Sunil Jaitley was also presented with a silver cup in recognition for his outstanding efforts to promote India and its heritage of peace and harmony within The United States of America by Mr. James Carville, political advisor to the then President Clinton, present Governor of New Jersey Jim mcGreevy and the Congressman and the then Chairman of the India Caucus, Hon. Frank Pallone, on Sept 3rd 1998. Dr. Jaitley role in the creation of the Indian caucus was indeed very instrumental especially since the India Caucus was Dr. Jaitley’s brain child.

In recognition of such cultural strengthening efforts, Hon Dr. Jaitley was awarded as the Jewel of India by Prime Minister of India, Hon. I . K . Gujral on Sept. 21st 1997 in New York City.

More recently, Hon. Dr. Jaitley was awarded Honorary Ambassador in U.S.A for his commitment and outstanding contribution to India and Indo-American relations by ex-Speaker of Indian Parliament , Hon. Balram Jhakar on April 13th, 2000.

Hon. Dr. Jaitley has worked as an honorary ambassador on his and his network’s personal expense much before he was ever acknowledged for his dedication to, and hard work for, both the US and India.

In order to achieve such tremendous results in the education of White House and the US administration, in the strengthening of the US-Indian relationship, in the enhancement of India’s..

Dr. Jaitley has been affiliated as an Industrialist with:

  • Health Care Industry in USA for over 35 years.
  • Aviation as a commercial Pilot in USA
  • Given very many Astrology talk shows (over 18000) in all over the world inclusive of USA and Canada.